Quotes To Live By


Quotes about life, are quotes to live by indeed sometimes. This world has been blessed with so much wisdom. Plus the speed at which it travels, and how wide it spreads makes it hard to believe, that so many people seem to be oblivious of the most seemingly obvious things.

I believe it's because most people still haven't realized, that we must change the  inwardly before we can change the outwardly, and that to change the inwardly we must seek knowledge.

Look at the Jesus quote that says “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then You Will Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set You Free“.

According to Jesus the truth is what sets you free. Free of what you might ask. Free to get or receive your essentials in life I say. The essentials that make your life worth living and precious to you. Joy, peace, health, and love for all. Harmony with everyone. Good food, water, clothes, shelter, relationships, self esteem, fullfiling work etc. Those are essentials. Go without any of those for too long and you'll be heading for life's exit, or you'll hate life so much you'll want to punish it for it's treatment towards you. 

The truth is we mostly get what we put into life multiplied. Just like the farmer. So let's put in a little time right now and seek wisdom. There is some good stuff in this list of quotes. Some are just funny, some negative, but some inspire you to sow things that will allow you to reap some good fruits in life. I'll highlight the ones I think those are. Maybe you'll agree with me. 

As far as I'm concerned Jesus beats the rest of us by far with His quotes. They are just priceless and artisticaly expressed to perfection. But for now let's look at what some other folks have to say about life, and see if they can reveal something great that can help us.

Life is like a cobweb, not an organization chart. – Ross Perot

God, if I can’t have what I want, let me want what I have. – Anonymous

And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. – Anonymous

Our lives are like a candle in the wind. – Anonymous

Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep. – Anonymous

Life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruit. – Anonymous

In life, its not who you know thats important, its how your wife found out. – Joey Adams

Life is a long process of getting tired. – Samuel Butler

When somebody tells you nothing is impossible, ask him to dribble a football. – Anonymous

Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live. – Anonymous

The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us. – Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes)

Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim. – Bertrand Russell

You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough. – Anonymous

Life isn’t worth living unless you’re willing to take some big chances and go for broke. – Anonymous

The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want. – Anonymous

Life is like a hot bath. It feels good while you’re in it, but the longer you stay in, the more wrinkled you get. – Anonymous

After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say – I want to see the manager. – William S. Burroughs

Nothing matters very much, and very few things matter at all. – Arthur Balfour

The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us. – Bill Watterson

Life is just one damned thing after another. – Elbert Hubbard

Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very long time. – Anonymous

Our own life is the instrument with which we experiment with the truth. – Anonymous

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. – Anonymous

There is only one success-to be able to spend your life in your own way. – Anonymous

Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious. – Brendan Gill

Life is like a game of poker: If you dont put any in the pot, there wont be any to take out. – Moms Mabley

Love doesn’t make the world go ’round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile. – Anonymous

Life resembles a novel more often than novels resemble life. – Anonymous

Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you. – Anonymous…More at Quotes About Life: List of Famous Quotes about Life – Motto

The first one highlighted inspires sowing prayer, and yeilding or surredering to God.

The second and third is sowing love and you know the saying “You reap what you sow”.

Love by the way is why we all go for our dreams and desires. To feel love. If you think about it, you might see that. We are all ultimately just seeking love. Some love doing things that are destructive and some love constructive things or situations. The reason they do those things is because when they do, in the end they feel love. 

Some of us need to commit to learning healthy, constructive ways of feeling love. I'll be daring and suggest we talk with God regularly for that loving feeling. Ask Him about things and for things. Go ahead, be surprised when He lets you know things through His many creative ways of teaching us. Believe you me, when God starts teaching you little things here and there about life. You will feel loved and will love Him back.

Don't be afraid you'll die of shock, and not acknowledge the truth. Do like the fourth quote and take a chance. Go for broke. Lots of people are afraid of too much emotion, and it keeps them from going for the gold. Go ahead, go for the ultimate life. You won't break. At least not your body. Make friends with an all powerful God. You'll be one loving grateful person for the rest of your life.

I'll close with saying this. If we could learn such good stuff from even anonymous people. We can't even begin to imagine the cool stuff we would learn, from the all knowing source of wisdom which is Jesus. The wisest man in history. Go ahead read your bibles regularly.

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God and Gods

Have you ever considered which god is best to serve? Which god is real or not? Have you considered what God is the most powerful? Believe it or not I have considered all of these things and more. By more I mean things like: What does a particular god like? Where do they live? What are powers do they have? As it turns out I’ve learned quite a lot about them. I’ve learned enough to be quite aware of what the best God to serve is. Also I learned, and am still learning how to be on His good side.

As it turns out, there is an all powerful God. Believe it or not and oh what a powerful God He is. He knows all things. He is omnipresent (present everywhere), and He loves us dearly (really dearly). Oh, also He is super merciful. He is the God the bible teaches us about. Believe it or not. If you want to learn about Him I suggest you read the bible starting at The New Testament, and never stop reading it.

Also it turns out that there are gods that aren’t so loving and merciful. In fact they hate us. This might explain a lot about life to you. I hope it does, but I’m not going into that right now. I hope you are not unknowingly serving any of these gods for they will lead you to ruin eventually.

What I am going to talk about is the All Mighty God who loves you dearly.  He really wants us to bless you. He wants to bless all of us. All He asks is that you except His Son and what He did for us. This way we can stand before Him, and ask for all the things we want, and get them if He approves and we believe we will get them. There are an endless number of things to ask for of Him that He approves of. Believe me there are more than enough things to ask for that will make you more than happy. Yes He is an awesome God.

Before I finish this post let me tell you about what He has done for me.

My God has filled me with joy, but joy that stays with me everywhere I go.

My God has given me peace beyond my understanding. It really takes a lot for me to lose that peace inside me. I just don’t worry much at all anymore.

My God has become my closest friend. If I feel down or something like that, I ask Him to take it away the feeling and He does.

My God has been blessing the work of my hands. He makes me a success.

My God gives me wisdom.

All these things I’ve asked for (except for peace) and can’t help but believe that He has given them to me. These are just a few things, but they are great gifts (priceless). Plus He has given me many more. All my God wants in return for His blessings is our heartfelt, honest thanks and praise. That is all He wants us for. That’s what He loves. That’s the only thing we can give Him that He values.

I considered that maybe He blesses me because I am well behaved or something, but that’s not why. It’s just that He is literally pure love.

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Same Sex Marriage

Hi folks.

I learned something amazing at church (Abounding Grace Christian Church) the other day that I have to share with you. I used to be for same sex marriage but research shows that it is not a good idea for a nation.

According to a thorough survey of history, any and every culture that embraces a philosophy of sexual freedom for a period of at least three generations will inevitably experience cultural decline (Unwin, Sexual Regulations and Cultural Behavior, 1935). There is not one single example in all of human history where this cultural pattern appears and there does not follow cultural demise consistent with these conclusions.

History is replete with examples that testify to this fact. The Greek, Roman, Babylonian, and Sumerian empires are just a few examples of cultures that began with a strong marriage centered on  monogamy and later degenerated into liberal sexual practices ( including homosexuality), which according to the sociological and anthropological evidence was central to their downfall.

Pitirim A Sorokin, the renowned Russian-born sociologist who founded the sociology department at Harvard, conducted his own study of history and likewise stressed that marriage is “the most decisive factor in the survival and well being” of society (Sorokin, p. 6). Based on his sociological study of historical civilizations, Dr. Sorokin warned that “any change in marriage behavior, any increase in sexual promiscuity, and illicit sexual relations is pregnant with momentous consequences,” adding that a “sex revolution drastically affects the lives of millions, deeply disturbs the community and decisively influences the future of society” (p.7).

Now gay marriage you should know is really not about:                                                                                                                                              Equal rights or equality                                                                                                                                                                                           Discrimination against a class of people                                                                                                                                                             Denying homosexuals the ability to commit to one another                                                                                                                                   Private relationships                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tolerance or intolerance                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bigotry or homophobia                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sexual orientation or being born a certain way

For homosexuals it’s not even about marriage. According to data from countries that allow same sex marriages, approximately 96% of homosexuals don’t get married when given the opportunity. And those that do break up at a much higher rate than heterosexuals.

Homosexual activists must “fight for same sex marriage and its benefits and then, once granted, redefine the institution of marriage completely, to demand a right to marry not as a way of adhering to society’s moral codes but rather to debunk a myth and radically alter an archaic institution. The most subversive action lesbian and gay men can undertake…is to transform the notion of “family” entirely.” “our gay leaders must acknowledge that gay marriage is just as radical and transformative as the religious right contends it is.”

Harvard professor of law Mary Ann Glendon acknowledged a very real consequence of legalizing same sex-marriage. She writes: “religious freedom, too, is at stake. Every person and every religion that disagrees will be labeled as bigoted and openly discriminated against. The ax must fall most heavily on religious persons and groups that don’t go along. Religious institutions will be hit with law suits if they refuse to compromise their principles.” (Mary Ann Glendon, For Better or for Worse? The federal marriage amendment will strike a blow for freedom,” opinion post to online editorial page, The Wall Street Journal, 25 February 2004).

In British Colombia, Dr. Chris Kempling, a school counselor, was suspended without pay for three months in 2005 for writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper criticizing the Liberal government’s same sex-marriage legislation. In 2006, Canadian professor David Mullan was fined $2,100 by Cape Breton University, after he told a student homosexuality is “unnatural”.

The New Jersey Division on Civil Rights threatened to prosecute the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association of The United Methodist Church after it refused to allow a same-sex civil union ceremony at one of its worship facility.

These are just a few of many cases in which same-sex marriage laws are being used as an excuse to penalize folks and institutions that are against it.

In Massachusetts, parents now have no right to know or opt out when homosexuality is being taught in schools (K-12). “The goal is to reach kids before they absorb their parent’s values. By middle school it’s too late”. Mass. School Administrator

As you can see we are in a tight spot. If we legalize same-sex marriage we are jeopardizing the well being of our nation. This is according to Dr. Sorokin who warned that marriage is “the most decisive factor in the survival and well being” of society (Sorokin, p. 6)  “any change in marriage behavior, any increase in sexual promiscuity, and illicit sexual relations is pregnant with momentous consequences,” adding that a “sex revolution drastically affects the lives of millions, deeply disturbs the community and decisively influences the future of society” (p.7). Consider carefully when voting.

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Voter Guide




Taxpayer Funding Of Abortion

Obama Support Romney Oppose

Government Funding of Planned Parenthood

Obama Support Romney Oppose

Taxpayer Funding of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Obama Support Romney Oppose

Ban Human Cloning

Obama Oppose Romney Support

Full Repeal of The Estate Tax

Obama Oppose Romney Support

Parental Choice In Education

Obama Oppose Romney Support

State Marriage Amendments

Do you support or oppose the state constitutional amendments preserving natural marriage?

Obama Oppose Romney Support

Federal Defense of Marriage Act

Obama Oppose Romney Support

Marriage Amendment To The US Constitution

Do you support or oppose a marriage protection amendment to the constitution that defines a marriage

as the union of one man and one woman?

Obama Oppose Romney Support

EDNA-Special Employment Rights Based Upon Sexual Behavior

Obama Support Romney Oppose

Appointment of Conservative Justice

Obama Oppose Romney Support

Military Social Engineering

Do you support or oppose open homosexuality in the military?

Obama Support Romney Support

Government Control of Healthcare

Obama Support Romney Oppose

Religious Liberty

Do you support or oppose protection for institutions, organizations, and individuals from having the government force them to violate their moral and religious beliefs?

Obama Oppose Romney Support

These are the issues. Consider wisely.

P. W. Rodriguez

Please leave a comment

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Take A Stand

I heard this study about taking a stand, at Abounding Grace Christian Church. I found it to be enlightening, and inspiring. It sheds light on some things we need to resolve to do. Things we need to take a stand for, in order to please God, and fulfill His will for our lives. I just had to post about it. I  changed it a bit, but if you want the real study go to www.aboundinggracec.org , click on listen online, and click Let’s Take A Stand. There are a lot of goodies there.

First let me say that to take a stand for something, you must be resolved. By resolved, I mean to have a determination to fulfill a plan or purpose. That’s how you take a stand. Take for example the story of Eleazar in 2 Samuel  chapter 23 and verse 9 in the bible. He was one of King David’s mighty men. He took a stand, resolving to fight during a battle with the Philistines when all Israel had retreated. He fought, and fought until his hand got weary, stuck to the sword so he couldn’t let it go, and won the battle. Isreal returned afterwards only to plunder. The Lord blesses the one who takes a stand for His will.

Second I’d like to say that there are many things we should take a stand for. These are just a few of many giant steps into your divine destiny.

One of the things we need to resolve to do, is to hold on to our God given assignment for as long as God wants us to. If we do this we will stay victorious and immovable throughout our lives. 1 Corinthians 12:18 says But now God has set the members, each one of them in the body (church) just as He pleased NKJ. This lets us know that each position in the church occupied by a member is important. It’s an important position, because God wouldn’t have of placed you in it if it wasn’t. He won’t make anyone do something that wasn’t necessary or worthwhile or needed.  Eleazar resolved to fight (which was his God given assignment), despite the adversity, and Father God gave him victory. He can do the same for you, if you resolve to do your duty as a member of the Lord’s body.

Another thing we should resolve to do, is to hold with humility our God given authority. Just to mention a few things we have authority over I’ll say the following. We have authority over evil spirits, over our bodies, authority to heal. I’ll mention one more. We have authority over our spoken words. Proverbs 18:20-21 says by the way “A man’s stomach shall be satisfied by the fruit of his mouth, and by the produce of his lips shall he be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat it’s fruits.

The next thing I want to mention is that, we need to resolve to hold to our faith in God and His word. Yes folks, look at what God says in the bible and really consider it. Consider it to see whether it’s true or not, and decide to believe it because it is. There is by far more reasons to believe God, than reasons why not to believe Him. The bible says “If you lack faith, ask for it”. Ask God for faith in His word, and see if he doesn’t give you plenty of reasons to believe In Him. If you believe God’s word you will not be depressed or sad or feel hopeless. You’ll have God’s perspective on things which an awesome one. You’ll be filled with joy. For example if you believe the bible when it says that to God, you are like the apple of His eye. Won’t you feel safe to have an all powerful God protecting you at all times? Learn the word, believe it, and hold on to your faith.

Also we need to hold on to the vision God has given us for our lives. Folks, the vision you have for your life is what keeps you in the right direction. Hold on to it. Keep it fresh in your mind. Don’t let adversity, make you let go of your vision.

The third to last one I want to mention is that, we should resolve to hold on to our passion, for a glorious and victorious church. The church of Jesus is a much needed church. It promotes a character that allows us all to live in harmony with each other.  We should believe God for revival in the church. A church on fire for God’s will.

This leads me to the second to last one, which is resolving to burn with a passion for the harvest (the lost). To have a love for the lost, and see them how God sees them.

Finally the last one, we need to hold on to God ordained relationships. Do you believe God brings people together to fulfill His purpose? Your right He does, and God’s purpose is what’s best for us all. Plus it’s more than enough to keep us all blissfully happy.

These are what I call giant steps into our divine destiny. These resolves greatly transform us into the character we need to have to produce the fruits that are good for us. Fruits like peace, joy, and love.

May God show us the light.

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This Life

I realized something very important about this life of ours recently. Something I would love to share with everyone just in case they don’t know it.

The reason I want to share this is because this insight, gives us much greater if not all the power we need. To become who we want to be. We need to be able to become who we need to be, in order to accomplish our goals and dreams. Because it is through becoming that which we need to become to accomplish our dreams, that allows us to achieve our desires. The bible states this in Mathew 23:26. It says: “Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean”. Meaning we should change the inside of ourselves in order to change the outside. Changing our insides we also automatically change our outsides.The truth is what changes us. So we must seek it as if seeking the most precious treasure, and dwell on it. We need to see this point clearly in order to have the power to accomplish our dreams.

First let me say that a long time ago I realized that we act according to our beliefs. If you believe for example, that learning quotes about life gets you a better life for some reason. You would probably be passionate about learning life quotes. Therefore at our beliefs is where we begin. There we begin to ultimately makes us who we want to be. Because what we perceive life as,or what you believe life to be, is what determines what we do in, or how we treat life. Which determines who we are. For what we do determines who we are.

Now to my recent revelation which is that:

In life, we often have a choice as to how we perceive life to be.

You see we can(more often than not), really steer ourselves in the direction we want by deciding carefully what to believe or what percetion of life to act upon, or ultimately who we want to be. For example if you want to love life, think about all it has given you that you love. You”ll probably have a great chance of feeling love for life by dwelling on what you love about life. That’s because you will begin to believe that life is good to you. So you will love it. If you want to be more motivated. See life as a state of existence in which, to get, you must give, or work in some way or other. Because if you don’t you will not only, not get what you want, but you will also lose that which you have. Which is the truth by the way. That is also in the bible. It’s little beliefs like these that really make a big difference in our lives. Most of the time we have a choice as to what to believe.

The reason I say that we often have a choice is this: Take the second example of how to see life in order to be motivated. You actually have a choice at how to see life there. You can say: Oh but there are people who don’t do anything, and get taken care of, or get what they want. They survive comfortably.  As you can see here you now have a choice as to what to believe. Do you believe you can attain by doing nothing, or should you believe you need to do something, in order to attain? I know what I choose to believe in regards to that, and that’s my decision for which I will suffer the consequences. Just like we all suffer the consequences of what we choose to believe. I choose to be a doer. I may waste my time doing for nothing, but I don’t think so. So I do.

I know sometimes we can’t help but to believe a certain theory, or hypothesis so to speak. But when we can believe what’s most conducive to our goals. Then that’s what we should believe.

In life we have many belief choices to make all the time. Consider all you’ve heard or learned in regards to those choices, and look for more info. regarding them if need be. Get well educated before you believe something. Then, and only then decide what to believe. For only the truth, of the situation we are in, can empower, or equip us, or prepare us spiritually, with what we need to accomplish desires worth the trouble of going for. We won’t have any successes except by a lucky shot. Without knowing the actual situation we are in regarding our missions in life.

Basically if you understand these things you can better steer yourself to states of being that are wonderful. That totally surprise you. In a good way. It’s really amazing how life can end up being so good, and for people of all walks of life. I believe one of the major reasons life is good for some unlikely folks, is because they are careful of what they believe, or how they perceive life to be. Now you know the sayings. Look at the glass half full not half empty, or look on the bright side etc. Yes if you focus on the good of situations whatever they might be. It will most likely give you the attitude you need to achieve your healthy endeavors. At least you’ll have the best chances of success at them.

Bare with me now, and consider dwelling on the things of life which aren’t so delightful. Like heavy traffic, not being able to pay bills, or increase in crime in your neighborhood for example. It makes you wonder whether or not to hate life doesn’t it. Dwelling on the bad leads to feeling bad, and feeling bad leads to loss of interest in pursuing your life goals. They begin to seem unattainable or not worth it. They begin to fade, or blur. You lose direction in life towards healthy goals. You want to stay in bed and unhealthy actions seem more attractive now. It’s just bad all the way around. If you keep thinking on bad stuff there is no telling how awful a state you will achieve instead of an awesome one.

Therefore, to sum it all up.Life is awesome for there are so many ways to see it, and a lot of times we can pick how we see it. If not all the time now that you know this. We can see it as ugly or pretty, good or bad, mediocre or miraculously amazing. However we decide to see life makes us who we are. For our beliefs determine our actions. We just need to see life as what it really is through seeking truth(read the bible for that).

The truth is that how we see life, and what we dwell on becomes our reality. We become what we behold.

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Hi peeps,

I learned about this vision product, and couldn’t resist telling you about it. The reason being, is that this world is full of people that have less than perfect eyesight. This product on the other hand, claims to be the solution to almost every eye vision ailment you can imagine. Not only is it a solution, but it is a natural, no surgery solution. So of course I had to post about it.

Look at what this eye doctor had to say. I got this off his site.


“The Hidden Danger Of Glasses… And How An Ex-Optometrist Discovered the Secret To
Restore ‘Near Perfect’ 20/20 Vision
Dear Friend,After more than 25 years in the ophthalmology business I ironically had to lose an eye to be able to see the obvious…I was NOT really helping people, but rather just covering up the deeper problem.

One day I discovered the work of Dr. W.H. Bates and it profoundly changed my life and my practice as an optical doctor. It shook me to the core when I realized:

Dr. William H. Bates
Dr. William H. Bates
How glasses and contacts are practically guaranteed to ruin your vision over time… (and a little known way to prove it for yourself!)
The obvious and overlooked reason why optometrists and doctors are so misinformed and skeptical to Dr. Bates natural vision improvement… (No, it’s NOT a big conspiracy of self-interest and profit like many people seem to think!)
Dr. W.H. Bates hidden-in-plain-view secret that speeds up recovery with more than 400% and massively improves Myopia (near-sightedness), Hyperopia (far-sightedness), Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight), macular degeneration, eyestrain, Glaucoma and more within mere weeks of starting the program…

Let me assure you…

If you want to reverse Myopia, Hyperopia and other serious conditions, and at the same time restore your vision naturally without expensive and harmful surgery, then you don’t want to miss the insights I’m going to reveal here…

But before we delve deeper into my discoveries let’s…

“ Listen To What Other People Have To Say…”

People write me all the time telling me how grateful they are to finally being able to escape their life-long dependency on glasses and contacts…

Carol Walker

Nevada, USA

“I Started the program about a month ago, and went to take an eye exam just this morning. My optician couldn’t believe it. He was so surprised with my improvement that he said he had never seen anything like it(at least not without surgery).”

Donald Clark

Washington DC

“Hi Doctor. I want to give a personal testimonial, and highly recommend your product to anyone who is trying to improve their vision. I have been suffering from short-sightedness since a very young age. I was considering laser surgery but it’s expensive and dangerous. Fortunately, after giving a try to this modest program my vision improved to a degree that I hardly need to wear contacts anymore.

Folks, if you have eye problems, or know someone who does, allow me to encourage you to go to this doctor’s site to learn more about this.

Click Here For More Info.


How To Eat Fruit

Hey folks. 

I got this email from my fiance. It teaches you how to eat fruit the right way. How to eat fruits properly turns out to be super important. Doing so has proven to be immensely good for us. People have even been cured of cancer because of eating fruits properly. If you read this email I recieved. You'll want to know how to eat fruits all day. Take a look at what this Dr. says in his email to a friend.



A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail
sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that
we'll save at least one life.
Read this…..It could save your life!!
Eating Fruit – this opened my eyes.
Dr Stephen Mak treats
terminally ill cancer patients by an
“un-orthodox” way and many patients recovered.
He believes on natural healing in the body
against illnesses. See the article
Dear Shereen,
Thanks for the email on fruits and juices.
It is one of the strategies to heal cancer.
As of late, my success rate in curing cancer is about 80%.
Cancer patients shouldn't die. The cure for
cancer is already found. It is whether you
believe it or not? I am sorry for the hundreds
of cancer patients who die under the
conventional treatments.. .
Thanks and God bless.
Dr Stephen Mak
It's very informative
We all think eating fruits means just buying
fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our
mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's
important to know how and when to eat.
What is the correct way of eating fruits?
If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major
role to detoxify your system, supplying you with
a great deal of energy for weight loss and other
life activities.
Lets say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice
of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go
straight through the stomach into the
intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.
In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments
and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes
into contact with the food in the stomach and
digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins
to spoil….
So please eat your fruits on an empty
stomach or before your meals! You have
heard people complaining ? every
time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian
my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel
like running to the toilet, etc
actually all this will not arise if you eat the
fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with
the putrefying other food and produces gas and
hence you will bloat!
Graying hair, balding , nervous,outburst, and
dark circles under the eyes
all these will NOT happen
if you take fruits on an empty stomach.
There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and
lemon are acidic, because all fruits become
alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert
Shelton who did research on this matter. If you
have mastered the correct way of eating fruits,
you have the Secret of beauty, longevity,
health, energy, happiness and normal weight
When you need to drink fruit juice – drink only
fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans
Don't even drink juice that has been heated up.
Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get
the nutrients at all. You only get to taste.
Cooking destroys all the vitamins.
But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the
juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it
mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must
let it mix with your saliva before swallowing
it. You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse
your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice
throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised
when your friends tell you how radiant you look!
Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium,
magnesium, vitamin E & fiber. Its vitamin C
content is twice that of an orange.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an
apple has a low vitamin C content, it has
antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the
activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower
the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.
Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest
total antioxidant power among major fruits &
protect the body from cancer-causing, blood
vessel-clogging free radicals.
Sweetest medicine. Taking 2-4 oranges a day may
help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent
& dissolve kidney stones as well as lessens
the risk of colon cancer.
thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is
also packed with a giant dose of glutathione,
which helps boost our immune system. They are
also a key source of lycopene
the cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients found
in watermelon are vitamin C & Potassium
Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners
for their high vitamin C content.. Guava is also
rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation.
Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your eyes.
Cold water after a meal = Cancer!
Can you believe this?? For those who like to drink cold
water, this article is applicable to you. It is
nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal.
However, the cold water will solidify the oily
stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow
down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts
with the acid, it will break down and be
absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid
food. It will line the intestine. Very soon,
this will turn into fats and lead to cancer It
is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks HEART ATTACK
know that not every heart attack symptom is
going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of
intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have
the first chest pain during the course of a
heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are
also common symptoms. Sixty percent of people
who have a heart attack while they are asleep do
not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a
sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The
more we know the better chance we could survive.
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail
sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that
we'll save at least one life.
Read this…..It could save your life!!
Can it relly be the secret to longevity, beauty, health, happiness, normal weight, and energy? No more graying hair, balding and, dark circles under eyes?
You know what. I would not be surprised if it's true. I'm on that diet as of now. To put it to the test. My first day today. Let's see what happens.
If you like this post, please like it, tweet about it, share it by all means. Plus there is more good info. on my health blog at  

Inspirational Words


Image by Keoni Cabral via Flickr

Hi, I hope all is well with you and yours.
I found this post and just had to share it. I truly believe that if you live by these rules in life. Your spiritual attainments will be endless. Read on.
You are amazing!*Life is infinite* God is Love* We are family*Let your life uplift others*Every few hours pay attention to your breath*Like yourself*You belong*I belong*We belong in this world together*We are all connected*There are no bad people, just forgetful ones*Give yourself a break from your cell phone, computer, friends, family, and go for a long walk*Take yourself out* Be gentle, kind, because you are divine* There is no such thing as fear, only forgetting who you really are* Remember* Love, love, love* Love is giving* Abundance is giving*Heal with laughter and tears*Dance lots* Play drums and make music* Sing often* Explore possibilities* Explore love past what you even thought it could be* Enjoy being naked* Stop lusting after people, material wealth, etc…*Forgive, forgive, forgive and never stop* Life is energy* Thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic* Forget thinking it robs you of life* Use your thoughts when you have too* Observe, notice, feel, and trust* Silence is really golden* Stop talking about others its gross, tell them for goodness sakes*Let what you say inspire yourself and another* Breath* Give, live all the time* Affirm the Truth* Life is about realizing* Who cares how much you know, that is dead weight, tell me what you love and how it makes you feel* Stop telling the world you are failure, not worthy, not deserving, because that is a lie, you can start over now* When you finally find someone you want to be with, don’t be co-dependent, be happy, enjoy, give all you got, and love that God brought you together, and appreciate them always, don’t take them for granted ever, and explore the outer reaches of oneness together* Smile* Smile again* Discover your heart desire and jump into the infinite, beautiful, loving, wings of the angels* This universe is for you always* It is a mystery with a better plan than yours* Forget your age it doesn’t matter really, what matters is that you lived in service, selfless* Don’t be selfish, pride filled, it is a turn off* Let life turn you on* Have sex often, as much as you can, if that is gross to you, get over it* Sometimes when things seem like they are not working, good, you are learning to let go* Struggle, pain help you grow in character and wisdom* The grass is not greener* Give everything away, you can’t go to the grave with it* Sometimes people are gross, and despicable, they don’t mean it ,they are scared* Speak, feel, and communicate from the heart, the head gets you no where* On December 26th 2012 the planet isn’t going to explode-Sorry* A real genius is one who is present, laughs, and doesn’t hold on to anything* Intellectual people are trapped in the mind- GET OUT THERE- we need you in the heart* Mother earth is alive and is life, stop treating her like she is dead and doesn’t care* You can’t find peace by creating war, so stop it* Be child like, not a child* We are equal in unconditional love, all of us, but that has to be discovered by each of us, so get to it* Don’t teach if you don’t walk what you have learned* We are all learning* Grow up, grow out, and get over it* Stay in your business and let your business be between you and God* All resentments, hurts, leave to heaven, you just forgive* Love you, you are loved, and you are light accept it* Don’t resist* Please vote* Be a possibilitarian* Stop labeling people* Yes there are other realms, angels, etc..you are not the only ones here* You are not the center of the world either* Amen* Truly…More at Inspirational Words– Pass It On
As we go through life, we learn little things here and there throughout the day. If we are wise and unafraid of success in our lives. We put these life lessons to use in living by them.
The perspective of this author here and his rules to live by, are one of a person who has been truly blessed with wisdom. The peace and love and joy this person must have, has to be great. The reason I say this is because I know that in life you get back what you put into it. In other words you reap what you sow. Now this person here seems to sow nothing but kindness, gentleness, love, forgivenes, understanding, acceptance of people, and so much more good stuff. What he gets back is more than likely twice as much or more of the same( as has been in my experience). Remember these rules and if you don’t see them as valuable now I’m sure you will eventually. If you keep them in mind and consider them thoroughly. Pondering on whether there is truth in them.
If you are already aware of their value, I’m there with you. May you and I continue to be blessed.
If you’d like to learn of other life enhancing things go to my health blog at

The Purpose Of My Blog

Hi, my name is Pedro W. Rodriguez. I’m a Christian, Cab Driver, Internet Marketer in the Capital Region among other things.

I started this blog to share, and give people the opportunity to do the same. When I say share, I mean anything that seems worth sharing or valuable to people in some way. It could be a life lesson, or product in any niche that’s worth mentioning.

I believe it’s a good idea for us to share our insights in life. This way one day  we might all be of one mind, and live in better harmony with each other.

Please comment regarding my posts, and by all means share them.

Humbly Yours

Pedro W. RodriguezImage